Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Nana Gets Me the Shoes

Nana Gets Me the Shoes

I have been wearing my burgundy shoes for a while, but Nana couldn’t have known that, since she just came from China three days ago.  Yesterday I took her to the Aquarium.  And since I was planning to walk a lot, I changed to my sneakers.

This morning, she was a bit cranky, and started to get on my mother’s nerves. So I ask her if she wanted to come with me and take Lily to school.  She was very happy about the offer, and let me put jacket and shoes on her.  Then, I went to deal with Lily and getting her ready, and also went to finish up something in the kitchen. That’s when I saw Nana brought over my sneakers one by one, putting down at the kitchen door, saying “Mommy de! (Mommy’s)”.

How she knows! And she wouldn’t let Lily help. :-)

1 yr