Thursday, July 1, 2004

Water and the Beautiful Girl

Water and the Beautiful Girl

Lily and I went to the beach after work. On our way home, Lily was a bit cranky... and didn't want to go home. After a little debate, I believe she will not willingly go home anyway. When there was a moment of break of her whining, I offer her to listen to the music from my Tungsten E. She was pleased with the offer, so I played Richard Clayderman's piano for her.

After a little while, she asked me to repeat ONLY the first song (It was Ballade Four Adeline). So I set it the way she wished for.

When we got off the train, as we were walking through the playground near our home, Lily pulled my dress and asked,        

"Mommy, what's mean? What it does mean?"
    "What does what mean?"
    "What the song mean, Mommy?"
    "You want to know what does the song mean? What story is the music telling?"
    "Yes!" she seem to be happy that her dumb mother could finally understand her.
    "It is about..." I wanted to tell her the title of the music, but how would that be of a help? So I said: "It is about water, and a beautiful girl playing with water."
    "Oh!" Her eyes brighten up, and she seems having no trouble understand that, "Is it about me? Lilyko playing water?"

No wonder she understood! :-)

3 yr 5 m

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