Saturday, November 13, 2004

Good Deal

Good Deal

Saturday, we had a late breakfast, late lunch...

Towards evening, I was trying to rearrange some furniture.  Knowing I have enough leftover food for dinner, I was in no hurry for cooking.

Near 8:30pm, Lily came to me and said: "Mamà, You go cook dinner, ok?" This was unusual enough, since she always ask for candy when she is hungry.  Then, she went on, as if she is try to offer me a good deal: "You go cook dinner, I come and sit down and eat, ok?!" She was nodding her head with great encouragement.

I must looked a bit surprised and amused.  And for a moment, I was not moving.  So Lily tried to push my hand, pointing me to the kitchen and said:"Go! Go, go..."

Ha, ha... Well, dinner was ready in three and half minutes.  Funny how she tries to negotiate a dinner out of me. ;-) 

3 yr 9m