Thursday, February 24, 2011

Honor Code #1 -- Honesty

Today we are talking about Honor Code #1 -- Honesty. We are talking about why is that "The Cause can not justify the Means".

There are some adults who let themselves lie to children carelessly. Hopefully, there are not many such examples from the people around my children. I have always been trying hard to surround my kids with respectable people. Or at least, I have been telling them who is more trust worthy among the people we know.

Adult lie sometimes. If a lie lasts for more than 15 minutes after the event, it is an intentional lie. They are doing this for few reasons.

  1. He is lazy to take time and effort to reason with people. So lying is the easy way out.
  2. He does NOT have a good reason, and still want things to go his way.

As parents, we should NEVER give in to our laziness.  It seems harmless in many cases when an adult lie. In fact, it is very harmful to the children's mind and the building of their psychological profile. It subconsciously teaches the children that they should lie whenever they can to get what they want. It is going to cost the children a lot when they grow up. It is going to cost their friendship and trust, as well as many other matters that depend on trust and friendship. There is nothing in this world more important than help children building a respectable personality to ensure their future.

Honor is NOT just a ruler to measure and judge other people. It is, first and foremost, a measure and judgment of ourselves. When you can NOT discipline yourself to behave respectably, how can you expect people to respect you? Why should anyone Respect and Trust you?

Asking a child to forget about that you have lied? It is like asking God to forgive your sin today, and then you can do it again tomorrow. How many people have you lied to in your life? Didn't you always have a perfect reason to lie? It was always the other people's fault, wasn't it? How convenient!!!

Whenever we make a mistake, we should always be responsible enough willing to pay for it, willing to take the Fair punishment. Not every wrong doing is going to send you to Hell. Do NOT teach children to dodge their responsibility by asking for God's forgiveness. Confession encourages irresponsible behavior unless there is a more severe punishment built into the system for repeated offender.

The Cause can NOT justify the Means. Unfortunately in human history, it has happened too many times when a wrong doing was encouraged for some Holly or Noble reason, one way or another, Crusades and Spanish Inquisition for example. When children are young, they do minor deeds, good or bad. When they grow up, they do big deeds, right or wrong. It ALL started from how we as parents teach them, day in and day out. It is haaaard work.

No more teaching children about Confession and Communion until we teach them to be responsible of their own action. If a person dare to do it, then he should have the guts to bare the consequences. Or he is just a coward hiding behind God's cloak. How is Heaven going to be like when those people get there? A collection of Liars, Cheaters, Murderers and Petty Thefts that knew how to manipulate and use God as a shield to bail them out of punishments after they have repeatedly done wrong to other humans?  Think about that. Do those people really love and respect God and his Creation?

Today you lie to your children. Tomorrow they lie to you and everyone else. Congratulations to your parenthood! How should you be rewarded?