Thursday, February 5, 2004

Hug her, Kiss her, and tell her…

Hug her, Kiss her, and tell her…


Ever since Lily was born, I always give her few kisses whenever she is in my arm. And very very often, I would tell her “I love you!” at the same time. I was doing this because I believe kids would get more pleasure from it. And it is very important that they clearly feel our love.
Still, I was very surprised one day when this happened. I was working in the kitchen for over 20 minutes, when Lily (one and half year old at the time) came in and walked around me over and over again, trying to get my attention. Then, she stopped behind me, hugged both of my legs, and kissed me, on my legs of cause! This was her first kiss. Sure she got all the attention after that! I just put down my dishes… and went to play with her.

Can you imagine how I feel one day, April 10, 2003 when I was passing by Lily and hear her saying “ I love you! Mommy” … Not surprised, not excited, because I just didn’t believe what I’ve heard. She was only 2 year and 2 month old! Still, I was curious enough to bend down and ask her:
“What did you say?”
“I love you! Mommy.” She said it again.
“Did you say ‘I love you, Mommy’?” I asked.
“Yeah.” She nodded, and smiling at me.
Then, I was surprised, excited, and everything else I could think of doing. But what could I think of doing at this kind of moment? Nothing. Nothing besides hugging her, kissing her, and telling her that I love her.

Nowadays, every so often before Lily goes to sleep, she would ask me to lay next to her for a few minutes. After I lay down, she would ask me to tell her a story or sing a song for her. It was a lullaby before, and recently, after she watched the movie (I got a DVD for her) “Dumbo” she would ask me to sing “Baby Mine” from the movie. I usually would rub her from head to toe when I am singing. And very often I would get a big hug and kiss as my reward, before she tells me: “You go to your pillow now, Mommy.” Every now and then, she would tell me: “I love you, you know?” And some times, she would give me a long list of who she loves: “I love Daddy. I love Nai Nai, … Ye Ye… Naniko… Babua… Bebia… Kevin… Dudu… Carrie… Jiu Jiu… Jiu Ma… Niko…” There are even moments, that a birdie and star would join in the list.

Dear be-mentioned, I am not sure if Lily ever tells you directly, but she loves you. Don’t blame me for loving her too much. I simply do. And I will do the same to Nana too.

And here is what I want to tell you: Hug your baby, Kiss your baby, and tell your baby “I love you”.

If we love our baby (what a surprise!), they deserve to know, and You deserve to know that they know. Often time, we take that for granted.


3 yr

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