Monday, March 17, 2003

"Baby nay down."

"Baby nay down."

Dinnertime, we were all in the kitchen, Mom, me, Lily and Nana. Nana was sitting in the car seat, looking around.  Lily was wondering in and out, doing her little things.

After a while, Nana got bored and started crying.  So I went to pick her up.  Just then, I heard Lily saying from behind me: “Baby nay (lay) down. Baby nay (lay) down.”

I thought she was not happy that I was holding Nana (Because she does get jealous from time to time, if she thinks that I gave Nana more attention). At the same time, Nana stopped crying.  So I said “Ok.”  And put Nana back into the car-seat.      

But, then I heard a little voice saying: “Mommy hold baby. Mommy hold baby.” And I felt a little push from my legs towards the baby.  I thought Lily changed her mind, so I pick up Nana again.  The moment I got Nana on my chest, Lily went: “Baby nay (lay) down. Baby nay (lay) down.”

I was just going to get annoyed with Lily, when my mother said: “She wants you to put baby on the big chair.”

I turned around, and saw Lily spread out a little square towel on one of the chair in the kitchen, and wanting me to put baby there! She must have seen too often that we spread out a big sheet on the bed and wrap baby up with it :-). So I put baby on her towel. She was so happy and came over to give baby a kiss on the forehead.  Nana was more then happy to get a kiss from Lily and give Lily a big smile and cooing in return.  After I picked up Nana from the chair, Lily picked up her towel and said: “Shank (Thank) you!”

"Mine !"

After dinner, we all went into the bedroom to watch TV.  Nana was laid in the bed.  And Lily sat in the bed playing.  From time to time, Lily would go to play with Nana.  And then whenever Lily went back to her own game, Nana’s eyes would follow her around and waiting for Lily to come back.

There was a time Lily didn’t want to go back, so Nana started to cry. I tried to ask Lily to come back to play with Nana, and I showed her that Nana was crying. But Lily seemed quite involved in her own game. But when, my mother went over to pick up Nana, Lily immediately came over and said: “No, no, no. Don’t touch. Mine!” So Mother had to put Nana down to let Lily took care of her little sister.  The moment Lily saw Nana was back to the bed, she went over and said “Shank (Thank) you!”

… I just sat there laughing...


Later, Lily brought a brush to the bed, and I wanted her to give it to me. She refused.  I got upset with her because the brush was not very clean.  Lily still didn’t want to give it to me, but she was watching me closely.

Since I couldn’t keep on giving her an useless threat, I changed my voice and asked her if she want some milk.  Looking at me and knowing that “No.” is not going to make me happy, she thought about it very hard.  I saw she hesitated for a while, and then said “Maybe.” – This was the first time I heard her use the word “Maybe”.  And I couldn’t help laughing.  I went out to the kitchen to warm up a cup of milk and came back to the room. Sure enough, when I brought the milk back, she didn’t want it!  She was just trying to stop me from being angry! But she sure gave me a good laugh.

Right before we went to sleep, I thought about telling all these stories to Vakhtang, so I asked Lily if she wanted to call Daddy. She thought about it quickly and said: “Babua.” I was quite surprised, because she never asked to talk to Babua before.  I asked her over and over again who she wanted to call, and it seemed she was quite sure she wanted her Babua today.  But it was really not a good time to call Moscow.  Finally we called Daddy instead. But I am sure we would be calling Babua very soon.

2 yr 1.5 m

Next >>>


Saturday, January 25, 2003

Switch On, Switch Off

Switch On, Switch Off

Two days ago in the evening, for some small reason, Lily got upset and threw herself onto the floor.  Then she started crying.  These days, whatever I try, it doesn’t seem to have much effect to correct this bad habit.  And I am afraid if I try any harder I'd spank her every time.  And that might have other bad effect, since I don’t want her to think that I don’t love her anymore.  It seems I had to spank her more often than before since Nana was born.  So I decided to try something different this time.
It so happened that I was just about to pump some milk for Naniko when Lily started her show.  Knowing how much Lily likes to switch on the pump for me, I called her to come and help me.  She got up from the floor immediately; came to me; pushed my hands away from the switch with the authority of an expert; and switched on the pump.  THEN, she turned around; walked back to her old spot; went down on her knees; and getting ready to cry again.

I was quite surprised at first, since I thought the old show should be over when she stood up.  Knowing there was nothing much I could do to stop her, I switched off the pump, making another attempt to get her attention.  She responded.  She turned around and looked at me with disapproval (I could almost hear her saying “What’s wrong with you?”). Then she stood up again; walked to me; switched on the pump; turned around and walked back to her old spot; getting on her knees again and started crying.  This time, I couldn’t help burst out laughing.  I laughed so hard that Lily got surprised.  She looked at me with puzzled eyes.  I saw her looking at me, so I kept on laughing.  Lily stopped crying, looked at me for a while, and then she started laughing with me.

I stretched out my arms to her with a big smile and said “Come to Mommy, my dear.” And she got up and ran to me with joy. That’s how the show ends.
Ha ha ha…

~ 2 yr