Sunday, September 12, 2004

"Why Does the House Make Us Hot?"

"Why Does the House Make Us Hot?"

One night, as we were laying in the bed, listening to the music, getting ready to sleep, Lily asked me: "Mommy, why the house make us hot?"

I said:" Because it is hot every where, so it is hot in here too."

But, Lily said :"No, no, no. It is cold outside now, why the house make us hot?"

... I really don't know how to explain all this, so I said: "Because the wall and the closed window stopped the wind from blowing, so we don't feel cold."

"But why?!" she kept on ask.

Really, why? How can I explain? Though I studied Physics, I am not able to explain what a three and half year old could ask. I must be very dumb. :-(

Can any one help?
3 yr 7 m

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