Monday, October 21, 2013

Let's start from the very beginning

In the beginning, there was nothing, no Universe. And someone thought, “I want to have some fun. Let there be light.”
Bang!!! !!! ... ... And there was Light.

How the Universe Works
2010TV-PG 8 Episodes
Average of 329,896 ratings: 4.313 stars

Host Mike Rowe brings viewers on an enlightening tour of our current cosmic knowledge in this miniseries that starts with the Big Bang and covers alien galaxies and solar systems, as well as the space-shattering properties of a supernova event.

This is The Creation. Let us not delude ourselves to be something more than what we are --
"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it." -- Chief Seattle's Letter To All THE PEOPLE. 

 And if we don't try to get along and cooperate with each other to find a way reaching a new home-planet before the Sun dies, we will eventually be no more than cosmic dust some time ONCE AGAIN in the future.  What a waste of all that ingenious design and 4.5 billion years of process to create Us!

Think about it.  All that energy from the Big Bang, following few simple rules like E=MC2, 1+1=2, G=mM/r2 ... from pure Energy, to particles, atoms, molecules, organic matter, simple life form, complex life form, consciousness, instinct, emotion, thoughts.

Life is the true miracle! But the God that created all this has also set a time limit to evaluate the Creation, or, our performance.  If human can not summon enough achievement to move to another planet, God would be very unhappy.

Or, as some people say, "I'll be long dead.  We will not be dealing with The Red Giant anyway."  It would be our children.  Should we care? Do we?

Look at what's on the news these days.  Look at the way people fight with each other. The whole world is on fire.  If you can hear the sound of those events, and share those people's feeling at those reported moments, there is nothing but Pain.  Can human being even keep earth alive for that long?  Even if we don't kill each other with violence, the way that human treated the Nature, would also eventually kill us all.  It is merely a question of which kills us first.

Wake up!!!  For the true God sake!  For the sake of the one that created all this we call Life and Universe.